A nicer day today!!!
[Carrabelle Day #13 2025-03-10 (Mon)] We enjoyed Apalachicola last Friday but it was quite busy, so we thought it might be less crowded on a Monday. We were wrong, seems to be a very popular “tourist” city, but still had a nice time there having coffee and wandering around the city a bit.

At Apalachicola Coffee & Chocolate again!

Marina, Apalachicola FL. “A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships were built for” – John A. Schedd 1928.
The highlight of our wandering around was an out of the way marina full of old fishing boats. The place was so picturesque that there was a large group of painters there painting it as part of a “Painters/Artists Week” group that was spending the week in Apalachicola (as we learned from chatting with one of them). Apparently there’s over a 100 participants who gather somewhere is this area of the Gulf Coast annually. We saw them in several locations.
The weather was windy and intermittently sunny then cloudy, making for some photos with interesting moods. The photos posted above were saved with a “high dynamic range” profile, I’m experimenting with trying to better show high contrast scenes like we had today.

Carrabelle beach little after sunset.
For our sunset walk we headed west up the beach to a place where old palm tree stumps remained, hoping they would add a bit to a sunset photo.